Homeschool Garden

Freebie Friday – 6 Charlotte Mason Curriculum Resources

Written by Virginia Donahue | Jan 18, 2020 2:00:00 AM

In our series about Homeschooling Styles we explained the pros and cons of the Charlotte Mason method, one of which is that there is typically not "boxed" curriculum for it. However, there are some freely available websites that may be of great value when following this method. While most of the sites are Christian focused, non-Christian families that are interested in using the Charlotte Mason philosophy in their homeschools will still find useful information that can be modified to fit their needs. Here are a few that looked helpful.

Ambleside Online – At this website you will find an enormous amount of helpful information including detailed suggested course schedules, book lists (many of which are linked to public domain versions), artist, composer and nature study tools and Charlotte Mason methodology support articles and books and more. Don't be intimidated by the volume of information you will find at this site. Take your time and bookmark it to return as you feel.

Mater Amamilis – A Charlotte Mason Style Curriculum for Catholics – You do not have to be Catholic to find valuable guidance and material on this site. Information is broken down by levels and include 36-week lesson planning tools, linked resources and much more.

Wildwood Curriculum – A Charlotte Mason Education for All – This is a website in progress but already has much to offer visitors in the way of helpful direction for lessons and implementing Charlotte Mason methodology from a secular standpoint.

A Charlotte Mason Plenary – While this is an ad-supported website with lots of links to Amazon products, don't let that deter you from checking it out. Everything is nicely arranged and sorted, and you probably won't feel too distracted by the advertising. Not only will you find great living book suggestions and lesson planning ideas but there is also very helpful information through the blog postings including information on special needs.

An Old-Fashioned Education – Similarly to Ambleside Online, there is a lot to explore on this website. The left-sidebar breaks available content into topics. One the topic page opens you will find linked lists of public domain books online. Select the "Full Curriculum" link near the top to locate 40-week schedules of subject reading lists and other downloadable forms and lists.

Charlotte Mason Help – At this website, under the "Free Curriculum" tab you will find a few plans and schedules but this homeschooling mom and former public school teacher shares a boatload of wonderful information with teaching ideas and help found in the sorted topics on the left-hand sidebar.