Homeschool Garden

My Favorite Homeschoolers to Follow on Pinterest

Written by Virginia Donahue | Jun 17, 2020 10:10:04 PM

I love Pinterest. For me, having a visual way to sort through and organize all the fabulous things I find in my travels across the internet is HUGE! And, while I probably will never do half of the things I pin, it has been a great place of inspiration. Plus, with the implementation of "Sections" for boards, it has made organization of my pins so much easier. The post image above is a picture of some of the sections in my Homeschool board.

Where do I find great things to pin for our homeschool? Of course, I can do a search in Pinterest for something specific and most websites now incorporate the pinning option with their images. But I like to follow fellow homeschoolers and homeschooling companies so that their pins show up in my feed when I am browsing. These are some of my favorites.

Homeschool Buyers Co-op

Hip Homeschool Moms

Confessions of a Homeschooler

Free Homeschool Deals

The Homeschool Scientist

Pinay Homeschooler

Homeschool Share

The Organized Homeschooler

The Unlikely Homeschooler

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers

Tinas Dynamic Homeschool

Homeschool Gameschool

All kinds of homeschoolers use Pinterest as a tool in their homeschool. It's a fantastic way to find new ideas for teaching, encouragement along the journey, and just plain fun.

Who are some of your favorite homeschoolers that you follow?