Homeschool Garden

Travel the World for Free - Virtually

Written by Virginia Donahue | Jun 10, 2021 1:00:00 AM

Summertime is vacation time in our house. And while we would love to jet-set around the world and see interesting and exotic places, our budget and time availability is more of the weekend tent camping and campfire nature, sometimes in our own backyard.

This year up the ante exploring exciting places like Egypt, Spain, Washington, D.C., and even chilling out in Antarctica! "How is that even possible?", you ask. With free Virtual Vacations from the Homeschool Buyers Club.

The Homeschool Buyers Club visits 12 different location with related virtual tours, delicious recipes, and fun (and educational) activities, all laid out for easy navigation and from the comfort of home. No need to worry about the weather, airfare, packing of bags, or pre-trip planning.

Just visit this link, and start your journey.